Written by
Taylor Haahr
Tae started out as a journalist before following the money into the corporate world. But it turns out that the grass isn’t always greener and now you can find her spending most of her time writing about all the things she loves. Namely, money, travel and business with a hefty dose of self-deprecating humor. She is a podcast fanatic, blogging aficionado and loves to find new ways to turn passions into cold hard cash!
What is the Best Laptop for Blogging?
Itching to get your writing career rolling but don't know what you need? Here are the best laptops for blogging so you can start with a bang!
Entrepreneur vs Businessman: Which Are You?
Entrepreneur vs businessman, what's the difference? There are a ton of opinions out there floating around on this, so here's mine.
Virtual Assistant Monthly Packages: Save Money On Labor Costs
Are you thinking about growing your productivity by hiring a virtual assistant? Here are a few virtual assistant monthly packages that can save you money.
How to Reduce the Landed Cost of a Product
Wondering how to reduce landed cost of a product? Let's talk about ways that you can save some pennies in your product costs.
My Favorite Free Things to Offer to Draw in Clients
There are a ton of ways to start building your client and customer list, and one of the best ways, in my opinion, is to give away things for free. But there’s an art to free information, products and services.…
4 Reasons Why Offering Free Products Is Good for Business
Wondering why offering free products is good for business? Let's go over four reasons why it can really help you grow your business.
5 Common Reasons Why Startups Fail
Wondering why startups fail? Let's talk about the five of the most common reasons that I've observed for startup failures.
4 Ways You Can Create a Passive Income In Your Business
Having a passive income stream (or two) for your business is a smart idea. An extra source of revenue can help you achieve your overall goals, grow your business or spend less time on it. But not everyone knows how…
How I Measure My Own Success
Success is a funny thing. We all think we know what it means, but when it really boils down to it we probably don’t agree on the exact definition of it. Sure, we might have one or two things in…
6 Questions To Answer Before Starting A Business
Are you ready to start your next adventure? Here are a few questions to answer before starting a business so you're on the right foot.