Pitch Business Idea to Investors

How to Pitch Your Business Idea to Investors

Wondering pitch a business idea to investors? Let's talk about a few things you need to think about to make it successful.
How to Focus Better

How to Focus Better

If you want to learn how to focus better, you need to give yourself space and time to figure it out. Learning to focus is something that takes time and changes as you grow. But if you’re looking for a few pointers, here’s what works for me.
Fairly Distribute Tips to Employees

How to Fairly Distribute Tips to Employees

Wondering how to fairly distribute tips to employees? Let's talk about four great ways you can consider using in your business.
Benefits of Offering Free Shipping

4 Benefits of Offering Free Shipping

There are some serious benefits of offering free shipping that you should consider, here's what you should think about.
4 Must-Haves for Running a Location Independent Business

4 Must-Haves for Running a Location Independent Business

Running a location independent business can be a bit of a learning curve. While you can be working from anywhere, there are some genuine considerations you need to make.  I’ve been running a business and moving around a bit for…

How Much Does It Cost to Live Alone?

How Much Does It Cost to Live Alone?

How much does it cost to live alone? Let's go over the basic expenses you'll want to think about and how much they can cost.
Inform Employees of Salary Delay

How to Inform Employees of Salary Delay

Looking for tips on how to inform employees of salary delay? Here is what I would do if I had to deliver this news.
My Favorite Tools for Organizing My Business

My Favorite Tools for Organizing My Business

I work solo. I don’t have an assistant or someone who helps me manage any aspect of my business, and sometimes I think it’s a real wonder that I manage to stay on top of anything. Organizing your small business…

Do You Need to Send Clients a Christmas Gift?

Do You Need to Send Clients a Christmas Gift?

The holidays are fast approaching and it’s been a wild year for all of us in business. With the holidays comes a question related to holiday communication and gifts, should you send your clients a Christmas gift or a card?…

Bare Bones Budget

How to Make a Bare Bones Budget

Times have been pretty lean for a lot of businesses, so maybe it's time to start thinking about making a bare bones budget.